绗?璇?- 楂樼骇缂栬緫

< 涓婁竴绡?/a>   鐩綍   涓嬩竴绡?>

鎴戜滑鍙娇鐢ㄤ簡缂栬緫闈㈡澘涓婄殑娣诲姞鍏抽敭鐐?/b>宸ュ叿, 鍏跺疄杩欓噷杩樻湁鍏跺畠鍑犱釜缂栬緫宸ュ叿涔熷緢鏈夌敤.

Edit Tools


缂栬緫宸ュ叿闈㈡澘涓婃湁3涓敤浜庣紪杈戠殑宸ュ叿 (1)

  • 娣诲姞鍏抽敭鐐?/b> (+): 濡?a href="lesson3.html">绗?璇?/a>涓墍杩? 浣犲彲浠ラ�氳繃姝ゅ伐鍏烽�愪釜娣诲姞鍏抽敭鐐规垨璋冩暣鍏抽敭鐐圭殑浣嶇疆. 杩欐槸鏈�甯哥敤鐨勫伐鍏?
  • 鍒犻櫎鍏抽敭鐐?/b> (-): 閫氳繃姝ゅ伐鍏峰垹闄や换浣曚笉闇�瑕佺殑鍏抽敭鐐? 鍙渶灏嗗厜鏍囩Щ鍒拌鍏抽敭鐐逛笂骞剁偣鍑讳竴涓嬪嵆鍙?
  • 缂栬緫鍏抽敭鐐?(Arrow): 浣犲彲鍦ㄦ簮鍥剧墖涓婃閫変竴缁勫叧閿偣, 鐒跺悗鍙互閫氳繃缂栬緫鑿滃崟鎴栭敭鐩樻搷浣滄潵绉诲姩, 鏀剧缉, 瑁佸壀, 鍒犻櫎, 鎷疯礉鍙婄矘璐村畠浠?


  • 浠?.0鐗堝紑濮? 浣犲彲浠ョ洿鎺ョ敤榧犳爣鍙抽敭鐐瑰嚮鐨勬柟娉曟潵鍒犻櫎涓�涓叧閿偣鑰屼笉涓�瀹氳閫夋嫨鍒犻櫎鍏抽敭鐐?/b>宸ュ叿.

Edit Lines

Beginning version 4.0, you can use lines to group and organize the key dots. Just choose the Dot Mode (2) to add dots or Line Mode (3) to add lines.

  • Add (+): Continuously click the left mouse button to add a series of key dots connected by a series of line segments. Hold the CTRL key and click somewhere to finish the line and generate the last dot; hold the SHIFT key and click somewhere or right-click somewhere to terminate the line and don't generate any new dot.
  • Connect (+): If you click on a blank place, a new dot will be generated; if you click on existed dots, you can connect them with lines. Please note that you can connect a dot to any other dot.
  • Insert (+): If you place a new dot on a line segment, the dot will be inserted into the line.
  • Delete (-): Move cursor on a line segment and click to delete the line segment, the two dots connected by the line segment will not be deleted. If, however, you delete a dot, all lines connected to the dot will be deleted automatically.
  • Edit (Arrow): You can drag a line segment to move it, all joint lines as well as the connected dots will be moved together. If you click on a line, all key dots connected to the line will be selected, you can then move, scale, cut, delete or copy them.


  • Adding lines will not affect the final morphing effects, but it makes the key dots grouped and organized clearly.


杩欓噷鏈? 涓敤浜庢帶鍒舵坊鍔犲叧閿偣鐨勯�夐」.

  • 鑷姩娣诲姞瀵瑰簲鍏抽敭鐐?/b> (4): 濡傛灉姝ら�夐」鏄紑鍚殑, 鍦ㄤ换涓�婧愬浘鐗囦笂娣诲姞涓�涓叧閿偣, 绋嬪簭閮藉皢鑷姩鍦ㄥ搴斿浘鐗囦笂鐨勭浉搴斾綅缃坊鍔犱竴涓叧閿偣. 濡傛灉姝ら�夐」鏄叧闂殑, 鍒欏厑璁镐綘涓轰换涓�婧愬浘鐗囧崟鐙坊鍔犲叧閿偣.
  • A鑷姩璺宠浆鑷冲搴斿叧閿偣 (5): 濡傛灉姝ら�夐」鏄紑鍚殑, 鍦ㄤ换涓�婧愬浘鐗囦笂娣诲姞涓�涓叧閿偣鍚? 鍏夋爣灏嗚嚜鍔ㄨ烦杞埌瀵瑰簲鍥剧墖涓婄殑鐩稿簲浣嶇疆.


  • 缁勫悎浣跨敤杩欎袱涓�夐」鏉ョ‘瀹氫綘鍠滄鐨勬ā寮? 渚嬪, 浣?b>鑷姩娣诲姞瀵瑰簲鍏抽敭鐐?/b>鍏抽棴浣?b>鑷姩璺宠浆鑷冲搴斿叧閿偣鏄紑鍚殑, 浣犲皢寰楀埌鏈�蹇嵎鐨勬坊鍔犲叧閿偣鐨勬ā寮?



  • 鏀惧ぇ ((+)), 缂╁皬 ((-)): 閫夋嫨杩欎袱涓伐鍏风劧鍚庡湪瑙嗗尯涓婄偣鍑讳竴涓? 鍙娇鏄剧ず鍖哄煙鎸変粠12.5%鍒?00%鐨勬瘮渚嬪钩婊戝湴鏀惧ぇ鎴栫缉灏?
  • 璋冩暣瑙嗗尯 (Hand): 褰撶紪杈戣鍖轰笉鑳藉畬鏁村湴鏄剧ず婧愬浘鐗囨椂, 浼氬嚭鐜扮浉搴旂殑姘村钩鎴栧瀭鐩存粴鍔ㄦ潯. 浣犲彲浠ラ�氳繃鐩存帴鎷栨斁瑙嗗尯鎴栦娇鐢ㄦ粴鍔ㄦ潯鏉ヨ皟鏁存簮鍥剧墖鐨勫彲瑙嗛儴鍒?


  • 浠?.0鐗堝紑濮? 杩欑粍鏌ョ湅宸ュ叿涓嶄粎鍙敤浜庝袱涓簮鍥剧墖, 瀵归瑙堢獥鍙d篃鍚屾牱鏈夋晥.
  • 浠?.0鐗堝紑濮? 浣犲彲浠ョ洿鎺ヤ娇鐢ㄩ紶鏍囨粴杞搷浣滄潵璋冩暣瑙嗗尯鑰屼笉涓�瀹氶潪瑕佷娇鐢ㄨ繖缁勫伐鍏? 鍚屾椂, 浣跨敤榧犳爣婊氳疆鎿嶄綔鏃跺彲浣挎樉绀哄尯鍩熸渶楂樻斁澶ц嚦1600%.



  • 婧愬浘鐗囪鍖哄悓姝?/b> (7): 褰撲綘缂╂斁/骞崇Щ涓や釜婧愬浘鐗囦腑鐨勪竴涓椂, 绋嬪簭灏嗚嚜鍔ㄧ缉鏀?骞崇Щ鍙︿竴涓簮鍥剧墖浠ヤ娇婧愬浘鐗囪鍖哄悓姝?
  • 棰勮瑙嗗尯鍚屾 (8): 褰撲綘缂╂斁/骞崇Щ涓や釜婧愬浘鐗囦腑鐨勪竴涓椂, 绋嬪簭灏嗚嚜鍔ㄧ缉鏀?骞崇Щ棰勮瑙嗗尯浠ヤ繚鎸佸悓姝? 鍙嶄箣浜︾劧.


  • 閫氬父鎯呭喌涓? 鏈�濂戒娇杩欎袱涓�夐」閮戒繚鎸佸紑鍚姸鎬? 杩欐牱涓や釜婧愬浘鐗囧拰棰勮瑙嗗尯閮藉皢淇濇寔鍚屾.


The Magnifier (9) magnifies the area under and around the mouse cursor when you are working within the source or target image. This enable you to have good precision on delicate operation such as adjustment without having to zoom in and out continuously. You can also drag the Magnifying Power Slider to change the magnifying power from 1x to 4x.
