??- 高級編輯

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我�只使用了編輯面板上?b>添加關鍵?/b>工具, 其實這裏還有其它幾�編輯工具也很有?

Edit Tools


編輯工具面板上有3個用于編輯的工具 (1)

  • 添加關鍵?/b> (+): ?a href="lesson3.html">??/a>中所? 你可以�過此工具��添加關鍵點或調整關鍵點的位? 這是�常用的工?
  • 刪除關鍵?/b> (-): 通過此工具刪除任何不�要的關鍵? 只需將光標移到該關鍵點上並點擊一下即?
  • 編輯關鍵?(Arrow): 你可在源圖片上框選一組關鍵點, 然後可以通過編輯菜單或鍵盤操作來移動, 放縮, 裁剪, 刪除, 拷貝及粘貼它?


  • ?.0版開? 你可以直接用鼠標右鍵點擊的方法來刪除�個關鍵點而不�定要選擇刪除關鍵?/b>工具.

Edit Lines

Beginning version 4.0, you can use lines to group and organize the key dots. Just choose the Dot Mode (2) to add dots or Line Mode (3) to add lines.

  • Add (+): Continuously click the left mouse button to add a series of key dots connected by a series of line segments. Hold the CTRL key and click somewhere to finish the line and generate the last dot; hold the SHIFT key and click somewhere or right-click somewhere to terminate the line and don't generate any new dot.
  • Connect (+): If you click on a blank place, a new dot will be generated; if you click on existed dots, you can connect them with lines. Please note that you can connect a dot to any other dot.
  • Insert (+): If you place a new dot on a line segment, the dot will be inserted into the line.
  • Delete (-): Move cursor on a line segment and click to delete the line segment, the two dots connected by the line segment will not be deleted. If, however, you delete a dot, all lines connected to the dot will be deleted automatically.
  • Edit (Arrow): You can drag a line segment to move it, all joint lines as well as the connected dots will be moved together. If you click on a line, all key dots connected to the line will be selected, you can then move, scale, cut, delete or copy them.


  • Adding lines will not affect the final morphing effects, but it makes the key dots grouped and organized clearly.


這裏? 個用于控制添加關鍵點的選?

  • 自動添加對應關鍵?/b> (4): 如果此選項是開啓? 在任�源圖片上添加�個關鍵點, 程序都將自動在對應圖片上的相應位置添加一個關鍵點. 如果此選項是關閉? 則允許你為任�源圖片單獨添加關鍵點.
  • A自動跳轉至對應關鍵點 (5): 如果此選項是開啓? 在任�源圖片上添加�個關鍵點? 光標將自動跳轉到對應圖片上的相應位置.


  • 組合使用這兩個選項來確定你喜歡的模式. 例如, ?b>自動添加對應關鍵?/b>關閉?b>自動跳轉至對應關鍵點是開啓的, 你將得到�快捷的添加關鍵點的模?



  • 放大 ((+)), 縮小 ((-)): 選擇這兩個工具然後在視區上點擊一? 可使顯示�域按?2.5%?00%的比例平滑地放大或縮?
  • 調整視區 (Hand): 當編輯視�不能完整地顯示源圖片? 會出現相應的水平或垂直滾動條. 你可以�過直接拖放視區或使用滾動條來調整源圖片的可視部?


  • ?.0版開? 這組查看工具不僅可用于兩個源圖片, 對預覽窗口也同樣有效.
  • ?.0版開? 你可以直接使用鼠標滾輪操作來調整視區而不�定非要使用�組工具, 同時, 使用鼠標滾輪操作時可使顯示區域最高放大至1600%.



  • 源圖片視�同步 (7): 當你縮放/平移兩�源圖片中的�個時, 程序將自動縮?平移另一個源圖片以使源圖片視�同步.
  • 預覽視區同步 (8): 當你縮放/平移兩�源圖片中的�個時, 程序將自動縮?平移預覽視區以保持同? 反之亦然.


  • 通常情況? �好使這兩個選項都保持開啓�? 這樣兩�源圖片和預覽視�都將保持同步.


The Magnifier (9) magnifies the area under and around the mouse cursor when you are working within the source or target image. This enable you to have good precision on delicate operation such as adjustment without having to zoom in and out continuously. You can also drag the Magnifying Power Slider to change the magnifying power from 1x to 4x.
